Liberty Twp. (OH) - The Fitton Center outreach team took its show on the road for the final Creative Arts in the Park of the summer at Fort Liberty Playland August 10.
Almost 80 people stopped by the picnic shelter between 10 and 11:30 to create rainbow fish.
What's a rainbow fish? A creative way to recycle old CDs and DVDs into hand-crafted art.
Using the disc for a body, guests stenciled fins onto colorful paper, cut them out, glued them to the discs and used a variety of buttons, beads and glitter to make shiny scales.
It was an aquatic summer at Fort Liberty, following the egg-crate whales and turtles our guests made in July.
Keep an eye out for the Fitton Center crew at its next area outreach event - Hamilpalooza - on August 26.
Until then, enjoy some photos from August 10 Creative Art in the Park in the gallery below.